Transfer Pricing & Controlling

TP&C blog and webinars

From time to time, we like to sit back, take a breath and think about what happend in the course of the last months. It is also an opportunity to thank our business partners (and team members) and recap some events and workshops. Yes, sometime we also dare to look ahead a little. Since starting TP&C, I have managed to write about the main developments on a (almost) bi-annual basis. The earlier blog posts (in German) are available on our German homepage. Going forward I vow to also blog in English from time to time (also I think it is time our team contributes on these posts as well). A translation of the last blog from Summer 2022 will kickoff the english blog... Happy reading 


January 2025

Obviously, I did not quite manage to keep the blog reasonably current. My bad. One explanation (excuse) is that 2024 (2023) was rather busy.

TP&C is still doing what it is supposed to be doing, helping our clients to navigate TP issues as efficiently as possible by providing pragmatic and actionable advice. It is enjoyable and rewarding to remain trusted by clients that go back with us to 2017 when TP&C was founded. 2024 brought new clients and new challenges, giving us the opportunity to learn about new business models for which to find arm’s length transfer prices.

Our team has also changed quite a bit. Tom left to pursue his PhD and a career in international tax (beyond TP) at FGS. The fact that I am still working together with Tom at Kolabri is somewhat consoling. Lisa did leave a bit earlier and arrived at PwC. It is great to see them succeeding, but of course we need to focus on growing as a team and to sustain and enhance our capacity to serve our clients. Luckily, Dennis has increasingly immersed himself in transfer pricing and greatly contributes to our ongoing projects. Also, in 2024 Metin joined our team. Metin has worked at the Turkish tax authorities (as an auditor) and is now making the transition to transfer pricing. He has already proven to be dominant at chess, and we look forward to his further journey in transfer pricing.

For me 2024 was also a year in which I felt the need to push forward with other ventures. As I did not want to limit the time devoted to TP&C, this led to a busy schedule (see above excuse). The good thing about these ventures is that I have great partners. At Kolabri Max, Michal and Tom push our mission to provide a unique, data driven, TP solution for companies focused on integrated software development forward. We successfully completed our pilot project with a rather large German MNE and look forward to the future. Another joint venture (“Nexus Transfer pricing”) was established in February 2024 in Pristina. My partners are Leonik and Grese. Our aim is to position Nexus as a center of excellence for Transfer Pricing (high quality subcontracting services) for international tax networks. Our diverse experience in transfer pricing puts us in a great position to realize synergies and provide value-added services to our clients. We have established the building blocks and look forward to what 2025 may bring.

In the summer of 2024, I had the pleasure to spend time in Italy. I was thoroughly impressed (how can one not be) and enjoyed it tremendously. One event that resonated with me was a wine tasting (arranged by my wife). I never was much into drinking wine, as whisky is more my cup of tea. The owner, however, gave us a fascinating tour, which ended (of course) in us tasting his wine. Experiencing his dedication to his craft and his joy explain everything to us, I could not help but have an open mind and appreciate the wine. While the tasting did not hook me on wine, I realized that I am similarly blessed in being allowed to work in a profession I enjoy. Other memories involve multiple rollercoaster rides with my kids. It seemed like a not-so-great-idea when we watched the course and heard the screams of the passengers. But, it was really fun… With that spirit let’s see what the 2025 rollercoaster has in store…

OTr - 19:17:17 | Add a comment

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From time to time we are invited to participate in online seminars and conferences - often in collaboration with our business partners. In case the hosts publish the content on YouTube, you can find a a respective link below; 

Currently, videos are available on the following issues:

Transfer Pricing in Germany - General Overview (May 2023 - with Quantera Global)

Transfer Pricing for InnerSource (November 2022 - with

Transfer Pricing Developments Poland, Germany, Austria and The Netherlands (July 2021 - with Quantera Global)

Transfer Pricing Developments in Germany (June 2020 - with Quantera Global)
