Transfer Pricing & Controlling

TP&C blog and webinars

From time to time, we like to sit back, take a breath and think about what happend in the course of the last months. It is also an opportunity to thank our business partners (and team members) and recap some events and workshops. Yes, sometime we also dare to look ahead a little. Since starting TP&C, I have managed to write about the main developments on a (almost) bi-annual basis. The earlier blog posts (in German) are available on our German homepage. Going forward I vow to also blog in English from time to time (also I think it is time our team contributes on these posts as well). A translation of the last blog from Summer 2022 will kickoff the english blog... Happy reading 



The summer holidays are approaching (two weeks to go) Considering that the last couple of weeks were rather intense, I am very much looking forward to some time at the beach.

Some of the highlights of the last couple weeks included,

Participation in the “Quantera Global 10 years webinar series: Germany”. I was scheduled to co-host the webinar with my German Quantera Alliance partners (Klaus Dorner and Stefan im Schlaa). Due to an unfortunate illness and technical difficulties, I ended up having to cope on my own. Luckily, the colleagues did a superb job preparing the slides and I managed to not get completely lost. Also, Theo Elshof helped with comments and insights from a Dutch perspective.

In June, I was invited for a TP guest lecture at the university of Leipzig. It is always great to talk about TP to young scholars, but I am not sure whether I managed to convey how Fun TP is in practice. Secretly (maybe not too secretly) I am always hoping to generate an application for a working student position when talking at universities – thus far no luck this time (shame on me).

Last week, Paul Sutton from LCN Legal approached me to write on the new German Administrative Principles (published by the Ministry of finance on 6th of June). With the support of Tom, I summarized the main TP issues from the Administrative principles pertaining to intercompany agreement – I hope this is a somewhat “fresh” angle – the publication should be available soon.

Otherwise, it was pretty much “same old”. Fighting with overly aggressive tax auditors, reviewing local files on midnight… the fun stuff (I did not mention this to the students… maybe I should have…).

Unfortunately, there was not much time to prepare a webinar on the “TP Risk Management” issues – but I am optimistic that I will be able to compile a good program during the summer. The TP Survival Guide is far from being a best seller. Even though expectations always should be modest, the initial reception was underwhelming. Still, I am hooked on the issue of TP Risk Management and believe it holds a ton of potential benefit for our clients – thus I will keep pushing this ahead. Let’s see where it goes…

Have a great summer!

OTr - 10:06:56 | Add a comment


From time to time we are invited to participate in online seminars and conferences - often in collaboration with our business partners. In case the hosts publish the content on YouTube, you can find a a respective link below; 

Currently, videos are available on the following issues:

Transfer Pricing in Germany - General Overview (May 2023 - with Quantera Global)

Transfer Pricing for InnerSource (November 2022 - with

Transfer Pricing Developments Poland, Germany, Austria and The Netherlands (July 2021 - with Quantera Global)

Transfer Pricing Developments in Germany (June 2020 - with Quantera Global)
